
The contract integrates Acre depositing with tBTC minting. User who wants to deposit BTC in Acre should submit a Bitcoin transaction to the most recently created off-chain ECDSA wallets of the tBTC Bridge using pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) or pay-to-witness-script-hash (P2WSH) containing hashed information about this Depositor contract address, and deposit owner's Ethereum address. Then, the deposit owner initiates tBTC minting by revealing their Ethereum address along with their deposit blinding factor, refund public key hash and refund locktime on the tBTC Bridge through this Depositor contract. The off-chain ECDSA wallet and Optimistic Minting bots listen for these sorts of messages and when they get one, they check the Bitcoin network to make sure the deposit lines up. Majority of tBTC minting is finalized by the Optimistic Minting process, where Minter bot initializes minting process and if there is no veto from the Guardians, the process is finalized and tBTC minted to the Depositor address. If the revealed deposit is not handled by the Optimistic Minting process the off-chain ECDSA wallet may decide to pick the deposit transaction for sweeping, and when the sweep operation is confirmed on the Bitcoin network, the tBTC Bridge and tBTC vault mint the tBTC token to the Depositor address. After tBTC is minted to the Depositor, on the deposit finalization tBTC is deposited in Acre and stBTC shares are emitted to the deposit owner.


Reflects the deposit state: - Unknown deposit has not been initialized yet. - Initialized deposit has been initialized with a call to initializeDeposit function and is known to this contract. - Finalized deposit led to tBTC ERC20 minting and was finalized with a call to finalizeDeposit function that deposited tBTC to the stBTC contract.

enum DepositState {


mapping(uint256 => enum BitcoinDepositor.DepositState) deposits

Holds the deposit state, keyed by the deposit key calculated for the individual deposit during the call to initializeDeposit function.


contract IERC20 tbtcToken

tBTC Token contract.


contract stBTC stbtc

stBTC contract.


uint256 minDepositAmount

Minimum amount of a single deposit (in tBTC token precision).

This parameter should be set to a value exceeding the minimum deposit amount supported by the tBTC Bridge.


uint64 depositorFeeDivisor

Divisor used to compute the depositor fee taken from each deposit and transferred to the treasury upon deposit finalization.

That fee is computed as follows: depositorFee = depositedAmount / depositorFeeDivisor for example, if the depositor fee needs to be 2% of each deposit, the depositorFeeDivisor should be set to 50 because 1/50 = 0.02 = 2%.


event DepositInitialized(uint256 depositKey, address caller, address depositOwner, uint256 initialAmount)

Emitted when a deposit is initialized.

Deposit details can be fetched from {{ Bridge.DepositRevealed }} event emitted in the same transaction.



event DepositFinalized(uint256 depositKey, address caller, uint16 referral, uint256 initialAmount, uint256 bridgedAmount, uint256 depositorFee)

Emitted when a deposit is finalized.

Deposit details can be fetched from {{ ERC4626.Deposit }} event emitted in the same transaction.



event MinDepositAmountUpdated(uint256 minDepositAmount)

Emitted when a minimum single deposit amount is updated.



event DepositorFeeDivisorUpdated(uint64 depositorFeeDivisor)

Emitted when a depositor fee divisor is updated.



error TbtcTokenZeroAddress()

Reverts if the tBTC Token address is zero.


error StbtcZeroAddress()

Reverts if the stBTC address is zero.


error DepositOwnerIsZeroAddress()

Deposit owner address is zero.


error UnexpectedDepositState(enum BitcoinDepositor.DepositState actualState, enum BitcoinDepositor.DepositState expectedState)

Attempted to execute function for deposit in unexpected current state.


error DepositorFeeExceedsBridgedAmount(uint256 depositorFee, uint256 bridgedAmount)

Calculated depositor fee exceeds the amount of minted tBTC tokens.


error MinDepositAmountLowerThanBridgeMinDeposit(uint256 minDepositAmount, uint256 bridgeMinDepositAmount)

Attempted to set minimum deposit amount to a value lower than the tBTC Bridge deposit dust threshold.


constructor() public


function initialize(address bridge, address tbtcVault, address _tbtcToken, address _stbtc) public

Bitcoin Depositor contract initializer.



function initializeDeposit(struct IBridgeTypes.BitcoinTxInfo fundingTx, struct IBridgeTypes.DepositRevealInfo reveal, address depositOwner, uint16 referral) external

This function allows depositing process initialization for a Bitcoin deposit made by an user with a P2(W)SH transaction. It uses the supplied information to reveal a deposit to the tBTC Bridge contract.

Requirements: - The revealed vault address must match the TBTCVault address, - All requirements from {Bridge#revealDepositWithExtraData} function must be met. - depositOwner must be the deposit owner address used in the P2(W)SH BTC deposit transaction as part of the extra data. - referral must be the referral info used in the P2(W)SH BTC deposit transaction as part of the extra data. - BTC deposit for the given fundingTxHash, fundingOutputIndex can be revealed only one time.



function finalizeDeposit(uint256 depositKey) external

This function should be called for previously initialized deposit request, after tBTC minting process completed, meaning tBTC was minted to this contract.

_It calculates the amount to deposit based on the approximate minted tBTC amount reduced by the depositor fee. IMPORTANT NOTE: The minted tBTC amount used by this function is an approximation. See documentation of the {{AbstractTBTCDepositor#calculateTbtcAmount}} responsible for calculating this value for more details.



function updateMinDepositAmount(uint256 newMinDepositAmount) external

Updates the minimum deposit amount.

It requires that the new value is greater or equal to the tBTC Bridge deposit dust threshold, to ensure deposit will be able to be bridged.



function updateDepositorFeeDivisor(uint64 newDepositorFeeDivisor) external

Updates the depositor fee divisor.



function encodeExtraData(address depositOwner, uint16 referral) public pure returns (bytes32)

Encodes deposit owner address and referral as extra data.

Packs the data to bytes32: 20 bytes of deposit owner address and 2 bytes of referral, 10 bytes of trailing zeros.


Return Values


function decodeExtraData(bytes32 extraData) public pure returns (address depositOwner, uint16 referral)

Decodes deposit owner address and referral from extra data.

Unpacks the data from bytes32: 20 bytes of deposit owner address and 2 bytes of referral, 10 bytes of trailing zeros.


Return Values

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