

Interface for the Mezo's Portal contract connected to dispatcher.


DepositInfo keeps track of the deposit balance and unlock time. Each deposit is tracked separately and associated with a specific token. Some tokens can be deposited but can not be locked - in that case the unlockAt is the block timestamp of when the deposit was created. The same is true for tokens that can be locked but the depositor decided not to lock them. Some deposits can mint a receipt tokens against them: receiptMinted is the amount of receipt tokens minted against a deposit, while feeOwed is the fee owed by the deposit to Portal, and the lastFeeIntegral is the last updated value of the fee integral.

struct DepositInfo {
  uint96 balance;
  uint32 unlockAt;
  uint96 receiptMinted;
  uint96 feeOwed;
  uint88 lastFeeIntegral;


function deposit(address token, uint96 amount, uint32 lockPeriod) external

Deposit and optionally lock tokens for the given period.

Lock period will be normalized to weeks. If non-zero, it must not be shorter than the minimum lock period and must not be longer than the maximum lock period.



function withdraw(address token, uint256 depositId) external

Withdraws all deposited tokens.

    Deposited lockable tokens can be withdrawn at any time if
    there is no lock set on the deposit or the lock period has passed.
    There is no way to withdraw locked deposit. Tokens that are not
    lockable can be withdrawn at any time.

    Deposits for which receipt tokens were minted and not fully
    repaid can not be withdrawn even if the lock expired. Repaying
    all receipt tokens is a must to withdraw the deposit. Upon
    withdrawing a deposit for which the receipt tokens were minted,
    the fee is collected based on the annual fee and the amount
    of minted receipt tokens.

    This function withdraws all deposited tokens. For partial
    withdrawals, use `withdrawPartially`.



function withdrawPartially(address token, uint256 depositId, uint96 amount) external

Withdraws part of the deposited tokens.

    Deposited lockable tokens can be withdrawn at any time if
    there is no lock set on the deposit or the lock period has passed.
    There is no way to withdraw locked deposit. Tokens that are not
    lockable can be withdrawn at any time.

    Deposits for which receipt tokens were minted and fully repaid
    can not be partially withdrawn even if the lock expired.
    Repaying all receipt tokens is a must to partially withdraw the
    deposit. If the fee for receipt tokens minted is non-zero, the
    deposit can not be partially withdrawn and only a full
    withdrawal is possible.

    This function allows only for partial withdrawals. For full
    withdrawals, use `withdraw`.



function depositCount() external view returns (uint256)

The number of deposits created. Includes the deposits that were fully withdrawn. This is also the identifier of the most recently created deposit.


function getDeposit(address depositor, address token, uint256 depositId) external view returns (struct IMezoPortal.DepositInfo)

Get the balance and unlock time of a given deposit.



MezoAllocator routes tBTC to/from MezoPortal.


contract IMezoPortal mezoPortal

Address of the MezoPortal contract.


contract IERC20 tbtc

tBTC token contract.


contract stBTC stbtc

stBTC token vault contract.


mapping(address => bool) isMaintainer

Keeps track of the addresses that are allowed to trigger deposit allocations.


address[] maintainers

List of maintainers.


uint256 depositId

keeps track of the latest deposit ID assigned in Mezo Portal.


uint96 depositBalance

Keeps track of the total amount of tBTC allocated to MezoPortal.


event DepositAllocated(uint256 oldDepositId, uint256 newDepositId, uint256 addedAmount, uint256 newDepositAmount)

Emitted when tBTC is deposited to MezoPortal.


event DepositWithdrawn(uint256 depositId, uint256 amount)

Emitted when tBTC is withdrawn from MezoPortal.


event MaintainerAdded(address maintainer)

Emitted when the maintainer address is updated.


event MaintainerRemoved(address maintainer)

Emitted when the maintainer address is updated.


event DepositReleased(uint256 depositId, uint256 amount)

Emitted when tBTC is released from MezoPortal.


error CallerNotMaintainer()

Reverts if the caller is not a maintainer.


error CallerNotStbtc()

Reverts if the caller is not the stBTC contract.


error MaintainerNotRegistered()

Reverts if the maintainer is not registered.


error MaintainerAlreadyRegistered()

Reverts if the maintainer has been already registered.


modifier onlyMaintainer()


constructor() public


function initialize(address _mezoPortal, address _tbtc, address _stbtc) public

Initializes the MezoAllocator contract.



function allocate() external

Allocate tBTC to MezoPortal. Each allocation creates a new "rolling" deposit meaning that the previous Acre's deposit is fully withdrawn before a new deposit with added amount is created. This mimics a "top up" functionality with the difference that a new deposit id is created and the previous deposit id is no longer in use.

This function can be invoked periodically by a maintainer.


function withdraw(uint256 amount) external

Withdraws tBTC from MezoPortal and transfers it to stBTC. This function can withdraw partial or a full amount of tBTC from MezoPortal for a given deposit id.



function releaseDeposit() external

Releases deposit in full from MezoPortal.

This is a special function that can be used to migrate funds during allocator upgrade or in case of emergencies.


function addMaintainer(address maintainerToAdd) external

Adds a new maintainer address.



function removeMaintainer(address maintainerToRemove) external

Removes the maintainer address.



function totalAssets() external view returns (uint256)

Returns the total amount of tBTC allocated to MezoPortal including the amount that is currently hold by this contract.


function getMaintainers() external view returns (address[])

Returns the list of maintainers.

Last updated